♓︎2024年 魚座の運勢♓︎
NEWS📩I would like to use the Wisdom Oracle Card and look at it as a theme.▼The mark is a mark that came out in the opposite position.
This is the result of the theme.
WISDOM of the ORACLE”Cover design:Tricia Breidenthal,Cover illustration:Jena DellaGrottaglia©︎LIGHT WORKS”
This is the annual reading result of Holocorp.
1月 ⅩⅧ 月 (はっきりせず定まらない)
2月 ⅩⅢ 死 ▼ (気持ちの整理ができていない)
3月 ワンドの8 (目まぐるしい速度で進み出す)
4月 ワンドのナイト▼ (時間に間に合わない)
5月 カップのペイジ▼ (人に頼りきりになる)
6月 Ⅴ 司祭 (モラルのもとに信頼や絆を結ぶ)
7月 ペンタクルの8 (目の前のことに集中して取り組む)
8月 カップの5 (失った悲しみで後悔に暮れる)
9月 ペンタクルのエース (具体的に取り組み豊かさを手に入れる)
10月 ペンタクルのキング (実力で結果が出る)
11月 ソードのナイト (合理的な判断で迅速に動くべきとき)
12月 ⅩⅣ 節制▼ (柔軟性がなくなる)
アドバイス カップの8▼ (諦めず違った角度で見てみる)
Your theme this year is “Thinkers.” Let’s proceed with things in a planned way. In any situation, it is important to calm down and think about the next move. By writing down the things to do and procedures and doing them one by one, you will steadily get closer to the realization of your dream. Don’t read too deeply, determine the situation, and don’t forget to believe in your intuition.
It’s been a sudden development since around March, and it’s going to be busy. At first, it seems that you can’t keep up with the speed and don’t go as you want, but the priest’s card is out in June, so it will go in a good direction with your humanity. Let’s take responsibility and judge for ourselves. Once I lose something and feel depressed, but by working hard on what I should do, it will take shape realistically around September, and the results will come out in October. In November, something to decide in a hurry will come out, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to see around me. Don’t give up until the end, change your perspective and find a solution!